
Why Gifographics for SEO?

Information graphics or infographics have been used to visualize complex data and make difficult subjects more digestible, since the dawn of visual communication. Their popularity skyrocketed in recent years with the rise of social media. People love … [Read more...]

2016 SEO Predictions & Trends to Refine Your Strategies

Last year was packed with SEO changes and algorithm updates, and it appears 2016 is likely to follow that pattern. However, SEO industry observers tend to agree SEO is in an evolutionary cycle rather than a revolutionary one for the coming year. That … [Read more...]

My Top 10 SEO Tools of 2015

This an up-to-date list of some of the best SEO tools available in 2015. It covers everything from web traffic and content analytics to keyword planning and speed optimization. Mastering these 10 tools is all you need to put your website in the front … [Read more...]

Why Google Changed Its Name to Alphabet

Google made a startling re-branding announcement in the first week of August this year by creating a parent entity called the Alphabet. The move appeared like a plot from the HBO comedy hit series “Silicon Valley”, but Google’s co-founders are dead … [Read more...]